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The Philips PPF685E uses Cartridge Save PFA351 ink cartridges. Cartridge Save PFA351 ink comes in black; the black cartridge prints 140 pages.
The Philips PPF685E fax with answering machine and DECT uses a thermal transfer printing method and genuine Philips PPF685E ink film cartridges to produce black and white copies and faxes at a high resolution. This feature rich Philips PPF-685E plain paper fax is perfect for the needs of a small office with fax and telecommunications needs.
The fax PPF685 film printer has measurements of 337 x 247 x 200mm so it fits comfortably on any desk or worktop. It has a stylish silver exterior and cordless DECT handset, making the Philips PPF 685E fax machine a great choice for a modern workplace. The paper tray for the PPF685E ink film fax holds up to 50-sheets and the modem speed is 14,400 bps.
A plug ’N’ print card is boxed with the genuine and compatible Philips PPF685E ink film cartridges for cartridge installation and the machine has a low ink indicator compliant with this card. There are many reasons to opt for the plain paper fax 685E including its DECT cordless handset, 14 Hi-FI tones, 10 hours talk time, backlit display, 10 page ADF, 64 levels of greyscale and high yield Philips PPF-685E film cartridges to reduce the cost-per-copy.
Although the Philips PPF-685E inkjet fax has a whole host of great features, its copy speed and quality doesn’t compete with more expensive inkjet printers which are more suitable in larger offices.