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Modern anti-slavery statement - end of financial year 2022

Modern Anti-Slavery Statement - Financial Year 2022

Statement Archive


Cartridge Save recognises that modern-day slavery and human trafficking is a worldwide issue and that the abolishment of slavery and trafficking is a global priority. Cartridge Save is committed to reducing the risk of slavery and human trafficking within its supply chain.


The purpose of this statement is to highlight the steps that Cartridge Save has taken in the previous financial year, and ongoing, to reduce the risk that slavery and human trafficking is present in Cartridge Save operations or supply chain.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our company's slavery and human trafficking statement for the company’s financial year, ending 31/12/2022.

Our Business

Cartridge Save is an online printer supplies retailer, selling printer consumables to businesses and home users throughout the UK. Cartridge Save is a limited company registered and operated in Stockport, UK.

Internal Risk Management

Cartridge Save ensures that all our employees have a safe work environment that is free from discrimination, including gender, age, race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation and gender identity, disability and national origin. In conjunction with this, Cartridge Save complies with all UK legislation, including UK labour laws.


The company handbook includes training/guidance on modern slavery prevention, which all company staff are guided through during induction. The company ensures that all purchasing staff receive up to date training on modern slavery - risks, detection and prevention; additional training has been provided by the chartered institute of purchasing to professionally accredited staff.

Due Diligence In Our Supply Chain

Cartridge Save has reviewed its internal structure to highlight where the main risks of slavery and human trafficking might be present. Using the global slavery index, the company was able to identify the slavery risk level of its suppliers by geographical location. The companies current supply chain consists of printer cartridge manufacturers, distributors and packaging manufacturers operating from a mixture of low, medium and high-risk areas of the world.

All suppliers have completed self-assessment questionnaires on their modern slavery prevention strategies. High-risk suppliers frequently carry out regular site visits and audit their own upstream supply chain, keeping detailed records.

Cartridge Save includes provisions in product supply contracts requiring our suppliers to not only comply with local human trafficking and slavery laws but to also effectively manage this risk in their own supply chain.

Members of the Cartridge Save board of directors have completed site visits to major high-risk suppliers. These site visits showed the workers operating in a clean and safe working environment and did not identify any risks of slavery and human trafficking.

Zero Tolerance Policy

If provided with strong evidence that one of our supplier’s practices slavery or human trafficking, Cartridge Save will notify the supplier of a 90-day deadline by which the supplier must provide strong evidence that the compliance issue has been resolved. To date there has been no cause to launch an investigation into a supplier.

Cartridge Save will never knowingly conduct business with organisations involved with slavery or human trafficking.

Year in review

  • Cartridge Save sustained contractual provisions: forbidding slavery in the Cartridge Save supply chain and encouraging a culture of whistle blowing. 

Such as:

  • Anti-slavery provisions in supply contracts with suppliers based in medium and high-risk countries.

  • Zero tolerance policies toward slavery in our upstream supply chain with deadlines and penalties for non-compliance.

  • There was no change to the company's sourcing policy that increases the risk of slavery in the supply chain.

  • There were zero whistleblowing incidents or disclosures of potential slavery, in the scope of the Cartridge Save supply chain.

Moving Forward:

In the financial year of 2023, Cartridge Save aims to:

  • Review completed supply chain modern slavery audits, as a basis to recommend supplier actions to lower the risk of modern slavery in the Cartridge Save supply chain.
  • Review our modern slavery prevention and detection measures quarterly, seeking opportunities for improvement throughout the year.
  • Continue all existing slavery risk management measures including:
  • Contractual provisions in supply contracts, to discourage and severely penalise any tolerance of or participation in slavery.
  • Internal staff education and awareness through policies, procedures and training.
  • In the event that an un-mitigated slavery risk is identified, Cartridge Save will adapt it’s anti-slavery practices, controls, policies and procedures to ensure that Cartridge Save keeps pace with changing market risks.

  • Signed by :

    Ian Cowley

    Managing Director

    26th April 2023